
« J’ai traversé courant 2020 une période de doute professionnel. J’étais au chômage suite à une rupture conventionnelle, et il m’a semblé que c’était l’occasion de me poser les bonnes questions : Mes 10 dernières années d’activité m’ont-elles plu ? Vers quoi ai-je envie de m’orienter maintenant ? Etais-je épanouie ? 

C’est durant cette période compliquée que Bénicia est intervenue. Son programme, construit en plusieurs étapes offre une réflexion complète. Elle m’a aidée à me poser les bonnes questions et à y répondre de façon naturelle, intuitive. Le test de personnalité est également très utile pour faire le point sur ses forces / faiblesses, ses relations avec les autres (personnelles et professionnelles), et ses habitudes de travail. Les résultats sont pertinents et aident à avancer.
J’ai beaucoup aimé son sens de l’écoute, sa disponibilité, la façon dont elle m’a guidée et aidée à m’exprimer librement, chose qui ne m’est habituellement pas aisée. Elle m’a également coachée sur l’approche à adopter sur les réseaux sociaux professionnels.
Un grand merci pour tous ces conseils, qui m’ont fait avancer et permis de consolider mon orientation professionnelle. »
Laura C., Chef de Projet, Cabinet de Conseil

« Alors que j’étais en pleine reconversion professionnelle et remplie de doutes et d’incertitudes quant à mon devenir, les sessions de coaching avec Bénicia m’ont été d’une aide précieuse.
Apres avoir fait un point de ma situation, avoir mis en avant mes points forts et axes d’amélioration, Bénicia m’a guidée et m’a indiqué des leviers d’actions pour identifier des opportunités et mieux appréhender mes futures recherches d’emploi.
Son coaching a été très complet puisque nous avons travaillé sur la mise à jour de mon CV et lettre de motivation, sur la préparation d’un entretien de recrutement et également sur le positionnement de mon profil sur LinkedIn (visibilité, mots-clés, compétences à mettre en avant, etc.).
Bénicia fait preuve d’une écoute active et empathique, c’est une très bonne communicante qui sait guider son interlocuteur pour qu’il trouve lui-même ses propres solutions, la voie qui lui conviendra le mieux. Elle est très agréable, dynamique et spontanée et met vraiment à l’aise.
Merci beaucoup pour ce coaching qui m’a beaucoup appris et m’est déjà très bénéfique dans ma nouvelle aventure professionnelle ! »

Mahjouba Assal, Coordinatrice Service Clients Export, Secteur Industriel

« I am more than thrilled to have Steph as a coach. She is an outstanding professional who manages to communicate what I need to hear as well as giving me sincere encouragement. As a leader of a start up social enterprise, I have often been overwhelmed and lacking in confidence, but after just 6 sessions I feel like I have made great headway; I can see now where my old limited beliefs have been at work and with Steph’s help I know I will unravel the lot! Already I have greater clarity of what my role is and my overall vision and purpose is stronger.

Steph has a variety of tools to use and as someone who has been through a fair amount of self development I am sometimes inclined to think ‘been there, done that’ only to have some greater revelation hit me! Her methods work and to have actionable steps mapped out for the week which I am accountable for is a great weight off my shoulders. Starting up a new enterprise can sometimes feel like a lonely experience but Steph makes me feel that she is on my team and is determined for me to be best I can be. What more could I ask for in a coach ? »

Ruth Torjussen, CEO, Social Entreprise

« I write to take a moment to recognise the great work Benicia has done providing me a career coaching experience. Along the ten one-hour sessions, Benicia has driven me to verbalise and understand behaviours and patterns which were either beneficial or detrimental to my goals.
Thanks to a sensitive ear, raising the difficult and eye-opening questions, she has provided me the keys to unlock a new focused and detailed approach to success. I would recommend this fantastic human centric & game changing experience to anyone willing to make a change or accelerate his or her career. Benicia will help you create a better path guiding you with her excellent knowledge of corporate functions and concerns. »

TD, Senior Customer Analyst

« I felt institutionally lost and at times defeated…..”

I have been using Advise Tree since early 2020, and I have to say that they have transformed my performance during interviews.  I was until recently, unemployed, having applied for countless roles.

My CV was good and attracted the right attention, but when I was given the opportunity to shine, I seemed to lack the final composure I once had to perform at my highest potential during interviews!

Advise Tree provided real-time thinking exercises that have given me a critical insight into my performance, which allowed me to make crucial decisions and ultimately become more effective and competitive in the marketplace.

Their coaching, attention to detail and creative approach helped me to reduce uncertainty in my thinking, while personality and psychometric tests were extremely helpful in bringing out the extraverted part of my personality which to be honest, I had never done before!

I strongly recommend Advise Tree to my contacts, and say go with an open mind, because what you put in, is what you will receive and more. »

Jay Findlay, Operations, Financial Services

Études de cas

Getting into an Executive role
We were approached by a client who, despite her best effort, had been struggling to get promoted into an executive role. Having such role made sense for her as she wanted to be able to manage and develop teams, have responsibilities for a department and be in a role where she could have a strategic impact through her interactions with senior executives within the organisation.
Since her firm was going through a major reorganisation, an opportunity rose for her to take redundancy and start an executive diploma to compliment her skills. She embarked on this journey to further educate herself. Half way through the executive programme she realised that whilst it allowed her to develop her skills in management and leadership, beyond that she would need career advisory and job search strategy support to make sure she found the right role for her.
Through coaching, we helped her understand why she had not managed to get the promotion in her previous firm and to clarify a path for her to take in the future. We then focused our attention on career advisory and were able to highlight her preferences and where she should look to apply. Finally we worked on how to position herself in the market by improving her CV and LinkedIn profile. We also explored how she could leverage LinkedIn to grow her network, be active on the platform and create connections that could turn into tangible job leads. She is now equipped with all the tools she needs. Once she starts the interview process, we will be able to support her with capability and competency based interview skills and provide her with our insider’s knowledge and perspective.

Rebuilding confidence, finding purpose and a way forward after a career break
One of our clients has found herself at a crossroad and could not find a way forward. She took a career break five years ago to travel, move to a different country and look after her family. She then settled into a routine and situation which she found very comfortable at first but after five years she felt this was not enough anymore. However she struggled to find motivation and the confidence to take the necessary steps towards a more fulfilling life of her own.
When we had our chemistry call, she had already started exploring ways to set up goals for herself and get rid of the fear of missing out. However she needed a coach to help her get more clarity on all the options available to her before she could make a decision, elaborate a plan and follow through with it. We work together and through the exploration of her values, she could start envisioning a life more in line with her true self. We challenged her limiting beliefs and held her accountable for reaching milestones towards her ultimate goal.
The coaching journey has enabled her to reconnect with herself, something she had not done for a while and to challenge some of the assumptions and actions she has taken over the past five years. She has gained a new sense of purpose and we are still working towards achieving her goal.